Bismarck, ND — Today North Dakota for Term Limits announced that a committee of 42 North Dakota Sponsors have filed a ballot initiative to establish term limits on the North Dakota legislature and the Governor. Once passed, politicians will be limited to serving 8 years in the house, 8 years in the senate, and 8 years as governor.
“We are filing this petition because North Dakota needs a government of the people, not a political class,” said Jared Hendrix, Chair of the initiative’s sponsoring committee. “Term limits ensure everyone from our communities can run for an open seat rather than going up against well-connected incumbent politicians. Increasing citizen involvement with term limits will allow new ideas to be heard,” said Hendrix.
“Term Limits provide more opportunities for citizens to have a role in government without leaving their job or business to become a career politician. Our communities have a bench of engaged citizens who would run for office if they had the opportunity to run on a level playing field, term limits end incumbent advantage and levels the playing field. More people will use the opportunity to serve their state and communities,” said Hendrix.
“Just like the President of the United States, the Governor of North Dakota is a chief executive officer. The executive holds an enormous amount of power, and any one person should only hold that power for a limited time. George Washington – a man who could’ve been king – term limited himself and set the example and the principle by which a government representative of the people should operate,” added Hendrix.
“I’ve met with hundreds of grassroots patriots across our great state in recent months, and the people want bold reforms to get our nation’s politics back on track. Real change starts locally. Term Limits is an overwhelmingly popular policy that the people of North Dakota want,” said Hendrix. “Our initiative recognizes politicians have a conflict of interest when term limits are involved and prohibits the legislature from trying to change the people’s term limits.”
Hendrix has been a citizen activist. He has been involved in Republican Party politics since 2008 and elected to several party officer positions. Hendrix has focused on increasing youth involvement with student groups on college campuses across North & South Dakota. Currently he is the district 38 Republican Chairman and lives in Minot.